Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kuperus Update

After we moved to New Jersey, numerous people asked “Why would you ever leave Hawaii?” My reply is “That is a good question.” We were living 1 ½ blocks from the ocean in a wonderful climate. Miracles were happening through the ministry at the University of the Nations and it was an honor to be a part of that ministry. Joshua wanted to finish his High School years in Hawaii. Helen just got settled into a house and had no desire to relocate. Each of our children were enrolled in schools in Hawaii. Yet, it was me who initiate the move. I felt this huge tension, because on the one hand I did not want to uproot our whole family and move to another place. On the other hand, I wanted to address some of the business challenges we were faced with in New Jersey and lack of funds as self-supporting missionaries. The end result is that we moved to New Jersey as a family.

Helen flew back to Hawaii with Joshua, Brianna and Nicole to pack and say “Good Bye.” I came a few days later to help. Alisha, Karissa, Anneke and Caleb stayed by my sister Anne Amels and her family for two weeks, so that would not have to buy an extra four return tickets for them.

Saying “Good Bye” was difficult. I could not explain why I was emotional about leaving Hawaii and the University. We were blessed with a good bye party and a 50th birthday celebration for me. We were bathed in prayer and sent off. In addition, Helen and I were able to meet with Loren Cunningham, the founder of YWAM, the night before we left. I wanted to discuss the idea of planting another base in New Jersey. In our discussion, he recommended that we talk with two other people.

After packing 27 suitcases, cleaning the house, giving away a lot of our stuff, turning our furnished house over to another Youth With A Mission couple, shipping our van to NJ, and giving our car to another family in need, we were prepared to go. Big Ben brought all our suit cases to the airport on his pick up truck. Jackson gave Joshua and Brianna a ride to the airport and warmly saw us off. Tammie gave Helen and Nicole a ride to the airport, who also warmly saw us off.

As our plane was landing in Newark, NJ, my cousin left his truck and trailer in the short term parking lot at B-13 with the keys in the tool box on the back of the truck. I came to B-13 and there was no truck and trailer. I was afraid it was stolen. I made a phone call and soon found the truck and trailer in A-13, which was a huge relief. We soon discovered that Air Alaska had transported all our luggage and we were heading for our new home.

Our new residence is at Yellow Iris Farm, 147 Winter Mute Rd. Newton, NJ 07860. It was interesting coming from sunny Hawaii to living on a road with winter in the name. Helen nor I do well with the cold, so that is an adjustment. For those wanting to send something to us, we are using 15 Loomis Ave, Sussex, NJ 07461 as our mailing address.

This new residence is owned by a Jewish friend who offered us a place to live as long as we needed it rent free. It is 2100 square feet, with three bedrooms and two baths. We made a fourth bedroom out of the laundry room. It is about 31 kilometers (21 miles) from our store and 24 minutes from the Christian High School.

Before our trip back to Hawaii, we interviewed with Veritas Christian High School for our children. In passing, Helen asked “Are you in need of a Spanish teacher?” They said, “Yes.” So Helen was interviewed for the position and it was offered to her. She gladly accepted and was really excited about teaching Spanish. Weeks earlier Helen had prepared her resume and sensed that she was not to apply for a school in Hawaii. When this opportunity opened up, we saw that this was the hand of God opening up a door for Helen.

We have been back for three months. People will ask me, “What ministry are you plugged into?” I answer “I am plugged into Farmside ministry.” I like using business as missions, although I hope I can be even more intentional about it. I have also been blessed with the opportunity to preach in a number of different churches. I have connected with YWAM New Jersey and the base in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. We will see if a door opens up with there. The other question I am asked is, “How long do you intend on staying in New Jersey?” I answer by saying “Until God calls us else where.” Helen has no desire to move anytime soon.

The first sermon I heard when we first got back was from Acts 15:36-41 where Paul and Barnabas had a conflict over whether or not to take John Mark on the missionary trip. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, while Paul did not because he had deserted them in Pamphylia. In the end, Paul and Barnabas split up with Barnabas taking John. Later in Paul's writing he comments positively about John Mark. I felt like a present day John Mark deserting the mission. God was gracious and pointed out that was not the end of the story.

Please continue to pray for us that the eyes of our hearts will be open to knowing God's good and perfect will. Pray too for our adjustment.

The Kuperus' family wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Pastor John and the Kuperus' family