Update: here is a summarized update of what has and will happen in the next few weeks.
Last week we traveled from the city of Bangalore to a city on the coast called Chennai.
We came back to Bangalore for a week, and are now preparing to move out again. This time it is Dharwad (pronounced DOE har) where we will stay for one or two weeks.
That's the plan.
But what I really want to talk about is this craving I have inside me - a craving for some greasy, cheesy, unhealthy or healthy, processed, good ole' American food - especially beef. Here it is rice, rice, rice, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yeah, you can laugh at me. Of course, they mix-up spices, or the way they cook it and eat it with other things like chicken, veggies, and beans, but the essence is always rice. Now white rice is not very nutritious - it turns into sugar in your stomach - and I'm a growing young boy. This stuff can never keep my solid and growing 5'8 body completely full. Another thing that keeps it from filling you all the way is because of the spices. Did you know spicy food speeds up your digestion or metabolism, which means this food goes through you like a rocket? (Please don't quote me on this on a medical test please.)
But I'm not complaining ... I'm just, uh, observing. Yeah, observing. This is better than what most people eat in the world, even if it's the same stuff.
And here is a subject that touches close to my heart. It's the subject of cows in India. You see, cows here are sacred.
You read me right. Sacred.
Whenever I see a cow lumbering by I think 'Wow what a big hunk of meat'. Yet many people in India do not have enought to eat. One of the members of my team (rather aptly) called it 'the devil's way of keeping people hungry'.
If you could see me walking along the road by cows in India you might hear me muttering to the cows. No, I'm not crazy ... ok, maybe a little. Read the rest of what goes on in http://jays-own-blog.blogspot.com
More random facts and observations that I've made about India are about the cars. The brand name TATA is big around here. The roads here are unbelievably overcrowded and every man is for himself. Autos weave in and out of traffic, dodging the bigger vehicles, and, I'm ashamed to say it, buses do the same. The driving here is ridiculous. Here's an example: do you know how Americans like to stop a few good feet away from the car in front of them? (We like our personal space.) Well, the Indians never completely understood personal space (at least with cars - they are respectful around other people). They stop inches away from the car in front of them. No joke. If you tried the couple feet technique here in India you would have an auto trying to nudge in the space! (By the way, autos are little three-wheeled vehicles that act as cabs.) Also, when the buses back up (and maybe autos but I've never seen one back up) have this odd little music they play instead of beeping. I guess they back up so much they might as well listen to music while they're at it!
- Josh Kuperus
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