Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Brianna!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Brianna ....

Another year came and passed in the life of Brianna Kuperus, leaving her thirteen years old.

She is now officially a teenager.

On Wednesday we hosted a little birthday party. Loren and Darlene Cunningham ( the bigwigs of YWAM ) were even invited.

They didn’t come.

But quite a few other people came, crammed themselves into our two rooms, and left again.

There were snacks.

Oh, yes were there snacks.

Have you ever noticed that some things simply defy description? My mother’s baking reached those heights that Wednesday. There are no words to describe it. “Heavenly” comes close. Other words like “amazing”  “mouthwatering” “howmuchsugardidyouputinthis?” “rich” “yummy” “Ineedtherecipe” “incredible” “nevermindIneedtodietinstead” and “delicious” are also words that come to mind.

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Hence the subtle flattery of the people with the food.

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