Friday, July 22, 2011

The Moving Sale

It's like walking into a scene from a tornado movie.

Boxes are scattered crazily about, a few toys are piled here and there, a wardrobe happens to be standing upright, and you can even see the skeleton of a bunk bed.

It's called ... a yard sale.

More specifically, a (gigantic) moving sale.

A little background info: before we (the Kuperuses) moved to Hawaii, we put all our possessions in a tractor trailer in the hopes of never seeing it again. The day of opening that beast of a box was a day I looked forward to as I would  a horror movie. You would too: organizing, sorting, and getting rid of a mass of items gathered by nine (very active) people (during eight years) would be a nightmare for anyone.

Back to my point: we had a moving sale. In the hopes of getting rid of stuff and making a slight return in the meantime we put about half of that "mass of items" on tables near the Blyth Christian Reformed Church. (Y'know, the one my dad pastored for eight years?) And so my dear collection of Hardy Boy books was laid out in boxes for the eyes of the public to see.

If you want to check out our yard sale we'll be at the same spot tomorrow.

See you then.

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