Thursday, August 4, 2011

American Support Information


Kuperus Family
 75-5851 Kuakini Highway #289

Dear USA Supporter

Thank you for joining us in missions.  We have committed to serving the Lord for two years at the University of the Nations with Youth With A Mission in Kona, Hawaii.  We will be working with the Crossroads Discipleship Training School as staff.  Our work includes teaching, mentoring and walking alongside of students as they go through the school. 

We appreciate your prayer and financial support.  

We are now in a position to give our financial supporters receipts for their donations. 
Below I would like to outline the process for our American supporters.

·         Make checks out to UNKF, which is represents University of the Nations-Kona Foundation.
·         Do not put our name on the check, but attach a sticky note with our name and number.  Our number is 5662. 
·         Mail checks to:
            75-5851 Kuakini Highway #256
            Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

If you have any questions about this process, please contact our Donor Processor, Julie Lucas at 808. 326. 4428 or

We have automatic monthly withdrawal available and would love to have your consistent monthly support. 

Please follow our blog to keep updated and pray for us:

Thank you so much for your support!

John for the Kuperus family

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