Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thailand and Myanmar


Marching Band

Mcdonalds: the Thai way

Teaching English

Recess = Soccer!

The school's way of saying thanks.

Pouring concrete

Fresh Honeycomb


The Longneck Tribe

The Akha Tribe

The Longneck Tribe again. Notice the rings under each girl's chin

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My First Rugby Game

(Taken from sports-99.blogspot.com)
I played my first rugby game two days ago, and have survived. I walked off the field with my collarbone, nose, teeth, and even ego intact. It felt good.

I signed up for rugby not knowing the first thing about how to play, and knowing little more about it other than knowing that my friend's sister had broken her collarbone in the first five minutes of a game.

A comforting thought.

With this in mind, I committed what my mother considered an act of lunacy; I signed up for rugby.

My team, Kona Bulls, played our first game against Waimea this Saturday and managed to win despite the fact that half of the people on our team have never played before.  (Sure, the other team only had seven players, but no one has to know that.)  I was pretty beast (if I say so myself); tackling three Hawaiian guys in a row. They went down like dominoes. I wish someone could have videotaped it.

The field was gravelly and rough, so everyone on my team cut up their shins a little. On the way to Waimea, my knees were white and smooth, and on the way back, they were dark red and caked with dirt.

This Saturday, Kona Bulls will play against Hilo. It will be videotaped but I'm not sure it should be.

Pray for us.

We'll need it.