Friday, January 6, 2012

My Sister's Trip to Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam

Big things are happening by the Kuperuses.

Well,  two of them at least.

By nine o'clock tomorrow morning my father and sister, Brianna, will have flown out of the Big Island on their way to Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam for pastoral visits.

I would have bought them a ticket to somewhere further, but didn't have the money.

Just joshing with you.  (Sorry, I just couldn't resist throwing that in there. )

I might be a nice big brother and wake up early to wave my little sister off. Or I might not. (She might see the grin on my face.)

(This was said in a very loving and affectionate older brother's tone of voice.)

In case you're wondering, I'm not a bit jealous of their missions trip -- I'm still recovering from my own.

One of my regrets with my first missions trip to India is how few pictures we took of the everyday life and people we visited in India. When, the Lord willing, my hair turns grey, and I reach the age of half a century old (my older friends tell me it will come sooner than I know it), I have very few photographs to show to my cute little grand kiddies about my trip to India.

With this in mind, I gave my sister the quota of several hundred photographs per country. I also told her to post to the blog at least twice a week. (She didn't sound so convinced by my begging and pleading, but I tried people.)

The plan was for Brianna and my father to leave for Cambodia on January 2nd and stay to the eleventh. In case you don't see a problem with that, I'll give you a hint: it's January 5 today and they're still here. The government of Vietnam held up my sister's passport and visa and didn't return them until yesterday. The dangers of traveling during the New Year.

The Lord willing, this is the rest of the schedule:

Thailand: January 11 - 19

Malaysia: January 19 - 27

Vietnam: January 27 - February 3.

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