Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa!

 It's 12/12/12 as of today, the last repeating digits for the next century or so, the world's probably going to end soon and the Mayans are going to laugh at us in their graves, and it also happens to be my Grandparents' 50th anniversary.

I sent a letter to them on a bit back, and I'm not sure if it made it to them. I wrote aforementioned letter in my most formal of formal prose, and looking back, I might have over did it just a bit. Still, I wrote it to honor them, and in that way I believe I succeeded.

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! We send you our love from here in Hawaii, and wish we could be opening Christmas presents with you! God bless you specially today!

 Joshua Kuperus
 (Content here removed by administrator.)

To be read December 12, 2012

Dear Grandpa and Grandma,

With the one of every two marriages ending in divorce and divorce rates steadily climbing, staying together fifty years is an incredible accomplishment, a marvelous feat, an extraordinary achievement. (You have my heartfelt permission to congratulate yourselves enthusiastically and loudly.)

I am honored to have you as grandparents and I treasure the few times that we have been together, the too few memories we share. I remember and thank you for always having held out your arms to welcome us back to New Jersey. I remember Grandpa setting up that basketball hoop in my driveway in Canada just for me, when he was on vacation, no less, and that shows me once again just how much love the two of you share.

I scored a lot of three pointers, and won a lot of 'horse' games with that net.

You have blessed us so much. Grandma’s food in particular was fantastic. Grandpa’s jokes and stories always make me laugh, and cheer me up.

Fifty years together is a long, long time, yet I’m sure that today you’re looking back into the photo album of your life together and wondering where the time flew.

You have braved some ups and downs, some mountain peaks and valley lows in your roller coaster life, and yet you two stayed together through good times and bad, in health and in sickness, for richer or for poorer. You stayed together, bound by your marriage vows, strengthened by love and God’s grace, and for that I do love you, praise you, admire you.

In a world shattered by divorces, darkened with the increasing fragility of marriage vows, you two stand together like a beacon of light, an example that it can be done.

I pray now every night that your love for each other will ripen with age, just like good wine. I pray that God will bless you with even more years in each other’s arms, I pray that the last years of your marriage will be even better than the first.

I could go on much longer, but now that my space is drawing to a close, I am forced to conclude: If my marriage were to be nothing more than a half’s half as long and strong as yours, I would consider myself highly blessed. Your footprints guide the next generation, and without you, we wouldn’t be here. Thank you for leading us along a way that takes us deeper into the blessings and grace of God.

May the LORD bless you, and keep you, may the LORD turn His face towards you, and grant you His peace,
Your loving grandson,

Joshua Kuperus


  1. That’s a heartfelt letter. I can only imagine how happy your grandparents must've been when they read your prose. And it’s now 2013! The Mayans were wrong, there's still a lot to look forward to, including your grandparents' wedding anniversary. I hope your marriage will be as long as theirs! Taneka @

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