Thursday, November 17, 2011

Anneke and Caleb, Alisha's Birthday, Anneke Lost Her First Front Tooth

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What If?

What if?

What if you woke up one morning and all you had were the things you thanked God for yesterday?

A: always
S: say 
A: a
P: prayer

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the twenty-first century.

But it's the day before today I want to talk about. (eg. yesterday). Because on that day, ten years ago, a baby girl was born.

Her name: Alisha Kuperus.

Her brother: Me.

So in honor of her birthday I decided to name three things that are true about her. Just three.

(Any more and those internet creepers would want to find out our address.)

Here goes:

Number # 1. 
She's purrrty.

Number # 2. 
She's artistic. 
Pretty sure she'll turn into a female version of Michelangelo when she grows up. If not, that is, for fact number three ...

Number # 3. 
She wants to be a scientist when she grows up.

We threw a little party. Food, cupcakes, candy, chips, screaming girls ... the works.

We went bowling also. The grand old American way. With ten pins and a bowling ball (that weighs just less than a small cannonball) to knock down 'em down with. As I am used to the Canadian five pins and bowling ball that weighs less than an anvil I did not distinguish myself. As in, perhaps I should have played with the railings up.

(Nah, just kidding, I wasn't that bad -- but I wasn't that good either.)

After bowling, we threw a little water balloon fight. Guess who all the ten year-old girls wanted to throw water balloons at?

You guessed it.

I was lucky to get out of there alive.