Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the twenty-first century.

But it's the day before today I want to talk about. (eg. yesterday). Because on that day, ten years ago, a baby girl was born.

Her name: Alisha Kuperus.

Her brother: Me.

So in honor of her birthday I decided to name three things that are true about her. Just three.

(Any more and those internet creepers would want to find out our address.)

Here goes:

Number # 1. 
She's purrrty.

Number # 2. 
She's artistic. 
Pretty sure she'll turn into a female version of Michelangelo when she grows up. If not, that is, for fact number three ...

Number # 3. 
She wants to be a scientist when she grows up.

We threw a little party. Food, cupcakes, candy, chips, screaming girls ... the works.

We went bowling also. The grand old American way. With ten pins and a bowling ball (that weighs just less than a small cannonball) to knock down 'em down with. As I am used to the Canadian five pins and bowling ball that weighs less than an anvil I did not distinguish myself. As in, perhaps I should have played with the railings up.

(Nah, just kidding, I wasn't that bad -- but I wasn't that good either.)

After bowling, we threw a little water balloon fight. Guess who all the ten year-old girls wanted to throw water balloons at?

You guessed it.

I was lucky to get out of there alive.

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