Sunday, November 13, 2011

What If?

What if?

What if you woke up one morning and all you had were the things you thanked God for yesterday?

A: always
S: say 
A: a
P: prayer


  1. That is food for thought. As I think on this I have never thanked Him very often for all He has bestowed on me, nor have I ever asked for much for myself. He has always given me what I have asked. Altho what I was granted was what He knew I needed not exactly what was requested, and it's in His time not mine, needless to say I have been caught off guard by his gifts.

    Say hello to every one for me
    Uncle Tom

  2. They all say hi back :)

    Thank you very much for your thoughts.

    As for me, I do my best to discipline myself to give thanks often though it is difficult at times, remembering the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for that is God's will for you ..."

    Not an easy thing to do! But when I do, things become easier. My outlook changes. My thoughts change. Negativity disappears. It all comes back to giving the glory to God. And that's what matters.
